Name Day Celebrant in Greystanes area and All Suburbs

Name Day Celebrant Greystanes

Name Day Celebrant Greystanes celebrating a combined naming ceremony and first birthday. 

We celebrated at the Cumberland Country Golf Club in Greystanes in one of the beautiful rooms over there.

Parents were surrounded by exciting family and friends filling up the room with love and care for this young family.

You can include any ritual in the ceremony.
Parents chose to include the rose petals ritual when godparents scattered coloured silk petals on the baby’s head with different blessings for each colour. 
Mum also wrote a beautiful poem dedicated to the young child. 

At the end parents, godparents and grandparents all received beautifully designed certificates

Contact me so we can start planning and organize your child’s very special ceremony day too. 

Name Day Celebrant Greystanes

Naming Day Ceremony with Sydney Celebrant