Photo Signature Frame

Photo Signature Frame

Photo Signature Frame – You can place/glue a big photo of the child on a big plaque/cardboard in the middle with a large enough border, have one or two pens available , and as guests arrive or at any time during the event, they can go and write their good wishes for the child anywhere around the photo.

It is a good idea to place the plaque somewhere in the entrance. Towards the end of the naming ceremony I would ask the guests, if they haven’t done so yet, to add a few kind words blessing the child.

Later this plaque can be laminated.

It becomes a beautiful reminder of the day and something you can hang in the child’s bedroom or the house.


A Signature Book

How about a signature book where guests can write their whisses for the child so he/she can open the book or the wish box one day later in life. Maybe on their 18th or 21st.


A Photo Signature Frame

picture frame signature for naming days

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