Lodgement of the Notice of Intended Marriage

Notice of Intended Marriage

The NOIM (Notice of Intended Marriage) is an essential step in the journey of getting married in Australia. This official document, known as the NOIM form, must be lodged with your chosen marriage celebrant at least one month before your wedding. It ensures that all legalities are in place for your big day. With the guidance of a skilled celebrant, completing the NOIM process becomes a breeze, bringing you one step closer to your happily ever after.

If your intentions are to get married then you need to register for marriage – the easiest way is with a celebrant so that you can wed and obtain the certificate of marriage in Australia. 
You can lodge the NOIM with me, any day of the week or weekend, wherever you are, as we can lodge it electronically.

How to lodge the Notice of Intended Marriage Form? 

You can lodge the NOIM with me wherever you are in Australia or anywhere in the world.
It’s the easiest quickest hassle-free way to your wedding!

  • I can email you the right notice intention to marry, you fill it in, I can then witness your signature electronically via Facetime, WhatsApp,  Skype or Zoom.
    Email it back to me so I can lodge it for you online. (this can be done even when you’re interstate)
    (Overseas couples will have to sign the NOIM with an authorized person)
  • You are more than welcome to come over to my place so we can lodge the notice together, online straight on the BDM’s registry website.
    (Easy – NO need for any interviews, No locked in with any wedding packages, same-day lodgement)


What is the Notice of Intended Marriage Form? 

NOIMThe Notice of Intended Marriage, NOIM, is the most important document you will fill in, to register for marriage when getting married.
This is actually the first legal step toward your marriage. 
It is a legal document which mostly provides a range of personal details of both parties, your identifications as well as some details regarding the wedding ceremony.
You will first need to decide whether you are going to have a civil marriage celebrant or a religious ceremony.
And then, of course, choose the right celebrant for you.
Choose an experienced celebrant who will take care of all the legal paperwork for your wedding, easily and hassle-free as well as create a beautiful wedding ceremony for you.

Why is the NOIM important?

If your intention is to get married in Australia, you will need to fill in the NOIM and lodge it with your chosen marriage celebrant. A marriage shall not be solemnized unless a notice in writing of the intended marriage is given to the authorized celebrant solemnizing the marriage.

Where can you get the NOIM?

As a marriage celebrant, I can provide you with the right and latest NOIM with very easy-to-follow guidelines on how to fill it in.
Otherwise, you are more than welcome to come to my place where we can fill in and lodge the NOIM straight on the BDM website.

How long is the NOIM valid?

  • You will need to lodge the NOIM a least 1 month prior to the wedding day.
  • The NOIM is valid for up to 18 months. (can be lodged up to 18 months before the wedding day)


When is the NOIM lodged?

The notice of intended marriage must be lodged with your celebrant at least one calendar month before the wedding day. The couple usually fills in and lodges the NOIM with the celebrant at their first meeting. If you are overseas, I will advise you on how to fill in the NOIM in that case. It is easy and not a problem. 

Who needs to sign the NOIM?

Both parties to the marriage must sign the NOIM, as well as the celebrant. 

  • There are some situations when a party to an intended marriage cannot conveniently sign the Notice at the time it is lodged with the marriage celebrant.
    Then, the other party may sign the Notice and give it to the proposed authorized celebrant.
    However, in that case, the party who has not signed the Notice must sign it in the presence of that celebrant or another authorized celebrant anytime before the marriage is solemnized.

Please consult with me and I will advise you in case –

  • One party cannot attend lodgement of the NOIM. (as being overseas or any other commitments)
  • Both parties are either overseas or for any other reason cannot meet up with me to lodge and sign the NOIM in person due to distance or any other circumstances. 

How can I lodge the NOIM, notice of intention to marry?

The easiest way is to lodge the NOIM with me, the celebrant as we do it online on the registry’s website.
If you can’t make it to my place, I can guide you with easy-to-follow instructions to fill it out, have it signed and email it back to me for lodgement. 

Contact me and I will guide you and assist with the lodgement of the NOIM.


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