Reaffirmation of Vows

Vows Renewal, Reaffirmation of vows

Vows Renewal, Reaffirmation of vows- it was a very special renewal of vows ceremony last night.
After twenty four years of marriage, the husband organized a joined surprise birthday party and a reaffirmation ceremony for his wife. She was completely surprised.
The ceremony took place at their house while the loving husband organized absolutely everything. 
Many of the wife’s friends were helping, while the wife got ready for an unknown surprise party at a friend’s place. She arrived into the house, blind folded. At that moment everyone called out loudly- surprise to the tune of ‘ Celebration ‘. After a few tears, the husband knelt down on one Knee, declared his unending love to his wife. He then asked his wife for her permission to “remarry” him in this renewal of vows ceremony. It was so romantic.
Contact me so we can start organizing and planning your renewal of vows ceremony too. 

Vows Renewal, Reaffirmation of vows

Reaffirmation of vows, Sydney Celebrant