Name Day Celebrant in Nurragingy Reserve

Naming Ceremony in Nurragingy Reserve Doonside

We celebrated today a name day ceremony Nurragingy Reserve.

It is such a great reserve with lots of picnic areas to celebrate a name-giving ceremony. Parents decorated the picnic area, the benches and tables with lots of colourful balloons and photos of the child.

Before each ceremony parents received from me a FREE package of information which also included a collection of poems. So we read three different poems. Mum read one poem dedicated to the child. And I read two other poems, one from the older brother to the young baby, and another poem dedicated to the godparents.

We really work together to create a meaningful naming ceremony for your child.

Contact me so we can start organizing your child’s very special name day ceremony.

Name Day celebrant Nurragingy reserve

Naming Ceremony Celebrant