Legal Requirements for Getting Married in Australia

Legal Requirements Marrying in Australia

Understanding the Legal Requirements Marrying in Australia is the first step toward tying the knot. If you’re wondering how to get married in NSW, the process begins with submitting a Notice of Intended Marriage at least one month in advance. From there, as an experienced Sydney celebrant I will guide you through the ceremony, ensuring everything meets legal standards, simplifing the journey, turning paperwork into a smooth transition towards your dream day.

Legal Marriage in Australia – all nationalities follow the same marriage requirements as local citizens. 
Marriage in Australia is a significant and joyous occasion, but it also comes with specific legal requirements that must be fulfilled to ensure the union is recognized under Australian law and around the world.
A Civil Marriage Celebrant or Member of the Clergy can authorize a marriage.
The same legalities apply to locals as to overseas visitors and all visa holders.

How to Get Married in Australia

  • We complete the  Notice Of Intended Marriage and lodge it, at least 1 calendar month and no longer than 18 months before your wedding ceremony.  
  • We usually fill in the form together online, otherwise, I’ll email you the valid form, fill it in and email me the form back so that I can lodge it for you.
  • The NOIM is valid for 18 months. (Best earlier rather than later to secure your date and time)
  • You will need to sign the Notice of Intended Marriage Form either with a celebrant or an authorized person.
  • If you are overseas, or can’t come over to see me, I will provide you with this form, as well as detailed instructions on how to fill in the NOIM

How to Get Married in AustraliaRegister-for-marriage

Marriage certificate NSW




How to Get Married in NSW

Documents to Have Your Wedding in Australia

The documents you must produce to your celebrant before the marriage takes place:

  • Your Passport OR your Original Birth Certificate + a photo ID such as a Driving license.
  • Any documents in a foreign language must be translated into English and a Translation Certificate supplied.
  • If either of you has been previously married then your Original Divorce Decree papers or Death Certificate of a previous spouse. (in case you need a copy of your Divorce Paper please contact the Family Law Court in the State you were Divorced).
  • If either party has officially changed their name, a Change of Name Certificate is required.

Witnesses for the Wedding Ceremony

On your wedding day you will need to have two witnesses who are both over the age of 18 present to sign the Marriage Register and Certificates.

Couples Living Interstate or Overseas

  • We can lodge the NOIM wherever you live in Australia or around the world.
  • I can email you the form and you can fill it in and sign it with me electronically here in Australia or with an appropriate person overseas.
    Contact me for details. I will take you through a very easy process.

Legal Age For Marriage in Australia 

Both persons intending to marry must be the age of 18. If one party is between the age of 16 and 18 years old you will need to obtain the following:

  • Parents’ consent on the required form.
  • A court order under section 12 of the Marriage Act.

Shortening of time before a Wedding

So yes, it is possible to shorten this minimum time if special circumstances set out in the regulations are met.
For shortening of time, you really need to have good reasons, as there are five categories for that. You will also need to present enough documentation to support your application.

Firstly, you need to meet with me to fill out the Notice of Intended Marriage Form.

Secondly, you will need to approach a prescribed authority for approval (your Local Court or Registry Officials) So they are the only ones that can shorten the required period if they are satisfied that the circumstances prescribed in the regulations are met: These circumstances are:
1. Employment-related or other travel commitments.
2. Wedding or celebration arrangements, or religious considerations.
3. Medical reasons
4. Legal proceedings.
5. Error in giving notice.

The reason for seeking a shortening of time must fall within one of these categories and it is up to the authorities to approve the application ~ it is not an automatic process.

Shortening of time for a Wedding in Australia

This couple also needed a shortening of time for their registry wedding ceremony here in Sydney. 

Since the bride and groom currently live overseas, we communicated over the phone, email and on Skype. They lodged the Notice of Intended Marriage at the embassy in Dubai. Then, I issued them with a special letter and with the right documentation, they managed to obtain a shortening of time for their wedding ceremony. So the whole process really took less than 10 days. From the moment they contacted me, till they were husband and wife.

So we still made this wedding a lovely special time for the couple. A time to remember even though they were really only after the legal part at this stage in their life. 

Contact me so I can assist you with your wedding ceremony, whether you are having a big ceremony or only after a registry-style one.  

Registry Wedding