Marriage Visa Australia
Marriage Visa Australia – as a marriage celebrant, I can help you and your partner’s dream come true.
As a celebrant, I can help you in the process of bringing your fiance to Australia. All we need to do is lodge the NOIM. I can then issue you the letter to immigration indicating your intentions to tie the knot.
I can assist you wherever you are in Australia.
Check out the rules & regulations.
Prospective Marriage Visa Australia
I have assisted this lovely couple. The groom is an Australian citizen originally from Sri Lanka. Together we lodged the Notice of Intended Marriage. I then issued the groom a letter to immigration to help his partner to arrive in Australia so that the wedding could take place.
The wedding ceremony was on Saturday. But it was quite urgent for the couple to receive the Official Marriage Certificate from the registry. So I organized for the couple to pick up the certificate from the registry on Tuesday. Notifying the BDM how urgent the matter was.
So we had a lovely wedding ceremony at the groom’s place. The couple was surrounded by some close friends who also enjoyed a beautiful feast. As the groom is just an amazing chef. He spoiled us with very authentic Sri Lankan food.
Contact me any time, so I can lodge for you the NOIM as well as provide you with the letter to immigration if you need.